IKU™ 5 Beginner Steps
I’ve created two versions of the steps; one is the simple version, and the other is the bird’s-eye view of the whole journey for a kettlebell beginner. The latter is the most important one, the one you will get the most from, but I understand that there are people who just want to get to the nitty-gritty. Hence, there are two versions. Here’s the simple one.
- Spend a lot of time drilling the Assisted Dead Clean Drill
- Perfect the bodyweight squat
- Perfect the bodyweight hip hinge
- Perfect the racking position
- Perfect the clean
Make this your focus before attempting anything else.
Step 1
This drill and much more is covered in the fundamentals.
Step 2
This exercise and much more are covered in the fundamentals.
Step 3
This exercise and much more (reasons to drill) are covered in the fundamentals.

Above is the movement to perfect, exactly as demonstrated, meaning, not with the hip half extended at the top, not with a rounded back, etc. The only thing that you can change is the use of the arms if you don’t feel comfortable with that.
Step 4
This exercise and much more are covered in the fundamentals.
There are many ways to rack, and each variation has its reasons. For this free course, I will cover that racking is super important and to prevent injury:
- Keep the elbows under the weight
- Pull the elbows down
- Relax the Upper Trapezius and Levator Scapulae
- Employ a correct grip

Step 5
That’s all you’re getting from these five steps, If you’re serious about avoiding all the issues and mistakes covered on the first page, I highly recommend enrolling in the free course below.
IKU™ 5 Beginner Steps (bird’s-eye view)
The longer version encompasses all of the above. These are the five steps you invest time in if you want to get serious with your journey and avoid all the beginner issues and mistakes covered on the first page.
The 5 important kettlebell beginner steps that anyone should focus on when they enter the world of kettlebell training are:
- Learn about the fundamentals of kettlebell training
- Learn how to create and stick to a routine
- Learn how to focus on longevity
- Work out to put your skills to the test
- Progress and keep refining your skills
Most people start and focus on step 4 and consider the rest not as important. As personal experience has shown me in my gyms, traveling the world, running kettlebell communities, and so on, those who do not heed the warnings enter the vicious cycle of working out, going hard, pushing further and further without listening to the signs and they end up with injury.
Some go through this cycle a few times and then give up or become so injured that they simply can’t continue.
Some go through this cycle and then finally decide to start at step 1.
Learn about the fundamentals of kettlebell training

If you read all the quotes I posted from seasoned kettlebell athletes when I asked them, “What did you struggle with when you first started with kettlebells? And what did you wish you knew?” then you should be convinced by now that the fundamentals are super important and require your full attention.
Skipping this step is like building a house on a bad foundation. The house may be repaired a few times, but it will eventually collapse. The same applies to your journey; if you skip the foundation, then you are just adding to what is already wrong, and you will get injured.
If you are ready to do this right, then start your journey (Step 1) by clicking the link below and enrolling in the completely free no-obligation kettlebell course that I created for you with videos, exams, information, and so much more.
Learn about the fundamentals of kettlebell training ➡️
Learn how to create and stick to a routine
At the start of your journey, having some form of routine is important. Doing any and all workouts while studying as many exercises as you can because you are so excited and having fun is not going to be the best way to approach your training. I’m all for variety, in fact, it is what allows me to keep enjoying what I do. However, at the start of your journey, it’s best to focus on the IKU™ 5 Beginner Steps until you have mastered the fundamentals, got your routine down, learned to listen to your body, and left your ego at the door. Then, your journey continues with steps 4 and 5.

Your routine should involve:
- Drilling
- Assisted dead clean drill
- Movement patterns like the hip hinge swing without weight
- Assessing yourself or getting assessed
- Training: teaching yourself the skill of kettlebell training through practice and instruction over a period of time
- Bodyweight squat
- Bodyweight hIp hinge
- Kettlebell swing
- Kettlebell clean
- Kettlebell press
- Kettlebell row
- Progression
Create a schedule with a progression, i.e., introducing complexity over a period of time while building on your existing knowledge and skills. For example, your schedule could be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (while always keeping in mind to listen to the body), and on each of those days, you spend 10 to 15 minutes focusing on the squat, hip hinge, and other drills.
Two weeks later, or when you are happy with what you have achieved, you add one kettlebell exercise. As you progress, a couple of weeks later, you add another exercise, and you repeat this process. As you add more work, you increase the duration of the session.
Start the IKU™ Kettlebell Beginner Workout at the right level and increase the intensity, whether pace, duration, weight, or a combination of them. Seek external help or more knowledge on this aspect if you are not familiar with or don’t understand how to do all this. There is a whole beginner package that includes all the information with steps. There is also affordable professional help from myself available.
If you haven’t enrolled in the free course yet, you should, as this topic is covered as well (step 2 above).
Learn how to focus on longevity
Longevity is everything. It’s about how long are you going to live, and how healthy will you be later in life.
Kettlebell training is not a 2, 3, 4, or 5-year thing; it’s there to be part of your life for the rest of your life. It will become the tool that keeps you healthy and fit, to be able to tie your own shoe laces without a struggle at the age of 80, 90, or more. It’s the thing that can mean the difference between slipping on the street and breaking your bones or getting up with ease and continuing walking.

Some important aspects that will determine whether your training will improve your life or not:
- Prioritize form and technique
- Slow and full control before fast
- Connecting with and understanding your body
- Weight and reps after everything else
- Listening to your body and adjusting your routine
Of course, only the end of my story will truly determine whether my training methodology was right, but after more than half a century, I feel like I’ve already won and can be assured that the training is right. No injuries, no joint replacements, never ended up in hospital or going to the doctor for anything that happened in the gym, and super healthy with not even getting any colds. Of course, all that attributes to being mentally happy and satisfied as well. In the end, these are everyone’s goals, to be:
- Happy
- Healthy
- Confident
- Strong (both mentally and physically)
If you haven’t enrolled in the free course yet, you should, as this topic is covered as well (step 2 above).
Work out to put your skills to the test
Working out is working fast, hard, and heavy. If you do this without meeting the requirements, then you are just working to destroy yourself piece by piece. Working out is great, it allows you to work toward new goals, i.e., whereas your first goal was to master the fundamentals and lay a solid foundation to build upon, now is the time to work on improving maximum strength, power, endurance, mental toughness, and so much more.
If you are ready to work out, then continue your journey (Step 4) by clicking the link below and completing the IKU™ Beginner Kettlebell Workout that I designed for you.
Work out to put your skills to the test ➡️
Progress and keep refining your skills
Never stop learning and never stop progressing. The moment that you do stop…
Whether you focus on refining the fundamentals or building upon the fundamentals, keep progressing. There is so much to learn about any exercise. A Kettlebell Clean is not just a Clean, there are many variations for the Clean, and the same applies to all other exercises like the swing, press, snatch, and so on. Start looking into the Master The Kettlebell series by IKU™ and Cavemantraining™.
Start exploring new ways of training, even if you just explore them to know about them and won’t be including them in your future training, it’s well worth knowing what all is out, things like kettlebell combos, double kettlebell work, complexes, flows, juggling, kettlebell sport, and so much more.
Get your skills verified, whether you do that by posting in public groups to get feedback from the general public or taking an online certification, it’s well worth getting what you think is right verified by a professional.
If you haven’t enrolled in the free course yet, you should, as this topic is covered as well (step 2 above).